Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yes, It's Been A While!

Hey cool kittycats - it's been a while. I have not been writing about the sexy stuff on my desk - because it's been busy flying off my desk and out to all the happy, anticipatory customers. Thanks to all you happy customers for that!

Well, all that is changing! I wanted to draw your attention to the great deals and steals - we are listing new ones every day - on our store. Do YOU like a bargain? I know, me too! Everybody digs a good bargain, especially when they are THIS GOOD.

The scoop is this, we are doing a lot of closeouts, moving inventory out of our warehouse so that we can move lots of fun new inventory into the warehouse in the fun new year coming up. So c'mon, do your part, and help us help you have an oh-so-happy New Year's Celebration of your own.