Monday, June 2, 2008

Unbelievably Popular Pocket Rocket

Today, as happens nearly every day, plenty of the Doc Johnson Velvet Touch (White Nights edition) Pocket Rockets crossed my desk. It's an unbelievably popular product - it sells like hotcakes! Hot, hot, hot hotcakes!

While nearly every adult toy manufacturer has some version or other of this - pocket rocket, mini mite, handy massager, mighty med - the list goes on - Doc Johnson is the company that introduced this fabulous item to the world. The history of the pocket rocket is even more interesting - did you know that this item was dreamed up when a Doc Johnson employee was traveling in Asia? The lore is that he forgot to bring his razor and so purchased a cheap mini electric razor from a vending machine. Sadly, it did a mediocre job with the shaving, but the vibrations produced by the razor were notable. And note that he did! Excited, he hung onto his cheap, bad-shave razor and developed the pocket rocket from it.

As a person who loves finding out the back-story and history of products, I found the history of the Doc Johnson Pocket Rocket to be interesting and amusing. I hope you did too.

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