Monday, May 12, 2008

Ring-a-Ding Dinger

Like most people who read magazines, I've seen (too) many articles about spicing things up in the love life department. The inevitable advice makes me yawn: "try new things, put a new twist on an old favorite." Frankly it sounds like the same advice about dealing with ugly bathrooms, meal planning, or any other thing that people do on a regular basis.

But people are game because no one likes being stuck in a rut. They start thinking "what kinds of new twists can we put on an old favorite?"

Enter the Tongue Dinger. It comes in different colors, even glow in the dark. (And yes, you wear it on your tongue for doing things - licky things.) It's a cheap, disposable item so there's not a lot of commitment involved in trying it out. Best of all, it sounds lighthearted and nonserious, and really, what could be a better way to mix things up?

Whether or not it takes a couple to new levels of unbridled passion is unknown - but it does achieve the goal of trying new things, stepping out of the ordinary into the adventurous.

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