Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Silky Lube Hybrid

In today's global warming, elevated oil prices world, the hybrid car is an appealing thought. For Napoleon Dynamite, the Liger (half lion, half tiger) is not only a hybrid, it's also pretty much his favorite animal. And it makes me wonder why should the world of personal lubricants be any different?

Today's featured item that crossed my desk is the very interesting Sliquid Silk - it is a hybrid personal lubricant. The brand Sliquid was created by sensitive women FOR sensitive women, and Silk is one of their more premium products. It's water-based, glycerin and paraben free - and yet - it also has a silicone aspect so it stays slippery for a good long time. A water-based and silicone lubricant hybrid - what could be better?

I like the brand Sliquid b/c it is so friendly - it doesn't contain harmful chemicals, the company does not use animal products nor does it test its products on animals. Also, their packaging looks happy, and that makes me happy too.

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